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Francesca di Ciaula

Born in Padova (Italy) in 1960. After classical high school she attends the Department of Art History

at Padova University. In this city she learns the art of metalsmith following apprenticeship at the studios

of F. Pavan and G. Visentin from 1979 to 1983. In 1985 with a scholarship for the Rietveld Art Academy

she moves to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, being active in jewellery and ceramic.

At the moment she lives and works between Amsterdam, Rome and Tel Aviv.



  • 17th Edition Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Honourable Mentions 

  • Premio Letizia Battaglia 2021 for REWRITERS

  • 16th Edition Julia Margaret Cameron Award, Honourable Mentions 


Photo Exhibitions

2023  Kou Gallery, Rome IT

2022  Think Diverse! Tevere Art Gallery, Roma IT

           Trieste Photo Days, Trieste IT

           RAW 2022, Roma IT

           PHOTOMAARC 2022, Como IT

2021   Women 2021,MOA Eboli,IT

           “Fotografie per Ferlinghetti”, Centro Internazionale di Fotografia, Palermo IT

           ReWriters Fest, WEGIL Roma IT

           #INTRANSITO, Stazione Tiburtina, Roma IT

2020  PHOTOMAARC 2020, Como IT

           DomaniInArte, Galleria d’ Arte Moderna, Roma  IT

           F-Stop Magazine Group Exhibition “Staying home together” Issue #103

           2° Premio Don Sante Arte Contemporanea, Casamassima-Bari IT

           Chromantic-Trieste Photo Days, Trieste IT 

           Urban-Trieste Photo Days, Trieste IT

           Where is your...eye, Palermo IT



Public Collections

Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem NL

Riksmuseum, Amsterdam NL

Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas TX



Jewelry and Ceramic Exhibitions

2023   Melting Point Valencia, Valencia ES

2022  Devotional Jewellery, Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova IT

           In my opinion...jewellery with a message, Museum of Goldsmithing Art,    

           Kazimierz PL

2020  9 March Project Show, Ground Solyanka Gallery, Moscow/ Chelyabinsk/ 

           Perm RU

2019   In my opinion...jewellery with a message, Poland

2016   Gioielloinarte-la Roma del Bernini, S.Eligio Roma IT

           Capitolium Art Auction, Brescia IT

2015   2015 Beijing International Jewelry Exhibition CN

           International Prize M.Pinton II Edition, Padova IT

           Jewelry Art for Heroes, Chemnitz DE 

           Studio Alberta Vita, Padova IT

2013   2013 Beijing International Jewelry Exhibition CN

           Gioielloinarte-Il preziosismo di G.Klimt, S.Eligio Roma IT

           Premio Fondazone Cominelli, Salò IT

           Ring Party, TRA Treviso IT

2012   Gioie da condividere, Aranciera di S.Sisto Roma IT

2011    International Prize M.Pinton I Edition, Padova IT

           Ring Party, Palazzetto Baviera Senigallia IT

2010   Archeogioielli Contemporanei, Archeological Museum, Anzio IT

           La Memoria del Metallo, S.Eligio Roma IT

2009  Forma VS Materia, Galleria Cristiani, Torino IT

           Artisti per Luchu, Bloomsbury Auctions, Roma IT

2008  New play in art-the unespected jewel, Gardone Riviera IT

           Galleria Fioretto, Padova IT

2007  Galerie Slavik, Wien AT

2003  Galerie de Genieloods, Alsmeer NL

2002  Dutch Jewelry in the 20th Century, Centraal Museum, Utrecht NL

2000  Alles Scmuchk, Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich 

           Op het huid/Jewelry from the Collection, Museum for Modern Art, 

            Arnhem NL

1999   Galerie de Genieloods, Alsmeer NL

1998   Water sieraden en mode presentatie, Galerie Cebra Düsseldorf DE

            Galerie Slavik, Wien AT

1997   Galerie Mei Ling Knibbe, Edam NL

           Galerie Ademloos,  Den Haag NL

           Galerie Slavik, Wien AT

           Water-sieraden en mode presentatie, Galerie Ademloos-Galerie Art Box NL BE

           Galerie Griets en Carmeliet, Gent BE

           Galerie de Genieloods, Alsmeer NL

1996   Galerie Mei Ling Knibbe, Edam NL

           Galerie Sofie Lachaert, Gent BE

           Galerie Slavik, Wien AT 

           Galerie Art Box, Wagerem BE

1995   Galerie Karin Decourt Van Krimpen, Rotterdam NL

           Galerie Sophie Lachaert, Gent BE

1993   Galerie Slavik, Wien AT

           Festival de l’Or, Vicenza IT

           Galerie Delcourt Van Krimpen, Rotterdam NL

1992   Festival de l’Or, Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris FR

           100 Amulets, Bloom Gallery Amsterdam NL

1990   News from the Netherlands, Lisboa, Bratislava, Barcelona, Amsterdam

           Art-fair 1990, Museum het Kruithuis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch NL  

1988   Swiss Biennal of Contemporary Art Jewelry, Lugano CH

1987   Schmuckszene 39, München DE

           La cosa inventata, Museo di Milano IT

           Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen NL

           Galerie Luouise Smit, Amsterdam NL  

           Galerie Rutzmoser, Munchen DE

1986   6th. Tokyo Triennial JP

           Galleria Lanaro, Padova IT

           Cardillac Galerie, Karlsruhe DE

           Italian Art Jewellery, Seibu Department Stores,Tokyo JP

           Seibu Art Forum, Tokyo JP

           Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam NL

           Galleria Il Fioretto, PadovaIT

1985   Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim , Germany DE

           53e Salon des Artistes Decorateurs, Paris FR

           Veertien Sieraad-Ontwerpers/Edelsmeden, Schipol Amsterdam NL

1984   68th. Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia IT

           Modit- Bijou Collection G.Ferrè, Milano IT

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